terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

TV Record Denounces and Ricardo Teixeira resigns as president of the CBF after 23 years

Ricardo Teixeira resigned as president of the CBF on Monday (12). The hat also stepped down as chair of the LOC (Local Organizing Committee), the World Cup 2014.
Instead, take Jose Maria Marin, vice president of the organization and has recently gained notoriety by stealing a medal after the final of the Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior.
To get to the point of resigning, Ricardo Teixeira saw his world collapse. If you said before he took the letter to CPI football, established in 2000 and terminated, without giving anything in 2001, now the weight of the allegations have rocked.
Lost allies in the federal government - the President Rousseff does not support - and, FIFA has more on Sepp Blatter's representative body, the figure of an ally.
To be practically isolated, was a key series of reports submitted by the hat on the Rede Record in Brazil, in June last year. A month earlier, Teixeira was already in trouble with odocumentário the BBC in London, who accused him of having received bribes in Switzerland.
It was only the first complaint. In Brasilia, deputies began to move to collect explanations on the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. The enrichment of the trustee since taking over the direction of the CBF attention.
The prosecution of Rio de Janeiro opened investigation into allegations of corruption against Ricardo Teixeira. The decision of the Attorney General of the Republic, Roberto Gurgel, came after the chairman of the PRB (Brazilian Republican Party), Marcos Pereira, formally presented the accusations against Tan.
Deputies charge explanations on spending
The MPF (Federal Prosecutor) of St. Paul also asked for the opening of an investigation against the president of the CBF, Ricardo Teixeira. The prosecutor Marcelo Freire wanted the PF (Federal Police) apurasse if there blows "authorship of the gang formed by Teixeira, to the detriment of the heritage of the CBF." 

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